New ingredients toolbox offers keys to success in South American cream cheese markets

Arla Foods Ingredients is launching a new ingredients toolbox to support dairy producers in South America’s growing cream cheese market. It will demonstrate how the company’s Nutrilac® line of functional milk proteins can help them create new products and enter sectors such as food service.

The number of new launches of spreadable cheeses in South America increased by 10% between 2021 and 2022.1 However, traditional cream cheese-making is a complex, inefficient and expensive process, which can take as long as 20 hours. The finished product contains only a third of the milk input, with two thirds left over as acid whey, which is costly to dispose of and presents a potential environmental risk.

By using Nutrilac® products, producers can create cream cheeses with excellent flavor and texture while reducing the length of the manufacturing process – in some cases to just 30 minutes. The ingredients are easy to use with existing equipment, minimizing wastage and maximizing cost savings.

In situations where milk availability is limited, increasing production capacity is a particular challenge. Dairies can overcome it by using Nutrilac® to create cream cheese with 100% yield, thereby avoiding acid whey streams, and allowing the use of existing yogurt or petit suisse lines, with milk potentially being redirected to higher profit lines. Products in the range can also enable the use of acid whey as an ingredient in cream cheese, creating value from a product that would otherwise be disposed of at high cost.

Nutrilac® ingredients are easy to handle and highly versatile, making them a perfect solution for new products. One sector where they offer opportunities is food service, where cream cheese often features in products such as cheesecakes and sushi.

Ignacio Estevez, Application Manager, South America, at Arla Foods Ingredients, said: “Dairy producers looking to enter South America’s cream cheese market face a range of challenges, and this toolbox offers some of the solutions. ​ One of the biggest questions is how to increase capacity without incurring additional costs in equipment, raw materials, energy and logistics. Nutrilac® ingredients can help create cheese products with excellent flavor and texture while achieving greater production capacity and minimizing waste.”

The new toolbox will be presented by Arla Foods Ingredients experts in a series of webinars in ​ Spanish and Portuguese. They will start in April and the link to subscribe in advance is:

1Innova Market Insights

For more information contact:

Steve Harman, Ingredient Communications

Tel: +44 (0)7538 118079 | Email:

About Arla Foods Ingredients
Arla Foods Ingredients is a global leader in value-added whey solutions. We discover and deliver ingredients derived from whey, supporting the food industry with the development and efficient processing of more natural, functional and nutritious foods. We serve global markets within early life nutrition, medical nutrition, sports nutrition, health foods and other foods and beverage products.

Five reasons to choose us:

  • We have R&D in our DNA
  • We offer superior quality
  • We are your trusted business partner
  • We support sustainability
  • We ensure security of supply

Arla Foods Ingredients is a 100% owned subsidiary of Arla Foods. Our head office is in Denmark.


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About Arla Foods Ingredients

About Arla Foods Ingredients
Arla Foods Ingredients is a global leader in improving premium nutrition. Together with our customers, research partners, suppliers, NGOs and others, we discover and deliver documented ingredients and products that can advance lifelong nutrition for the benefit of consumers around the world.

We serve leading global brands in early life nutrition, medical nutrition, sports nutrition, health foods, and other foods and beverages.

Five reasons to choose us:

  • We're passionate about improving nutrition
  • We innovate by connecting the best
  • We master both discovery and delivery
  • We build strong, long-lasting partnerships
  • We are committed to sustainability

Headquartered in Denmark, Arla Foods Ingredients is a 100% owned subsidiary of Arla Foods.


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